About Us

Afton Indivisible formed early in 2017, guided by a document written and distributed by former congressional staffers after the 2016 presidential election. That document, the Indivisible Guide, provided a step-by-step guide for organizing locally to pressure elected officials to resist Trump’s agenda.

We were among the millions of people who picked up the guide and its name — Indivisible — and organized local Indivisible groups to put the guide into action. With other new Indivisible activists, we became part of a nationwide movement of people taking matters into their own hands to build power through collective action. 

Today Indivisible is a movement of millions of progressive grassroots activists across every state. We work both autonomously and in partnership with Indivisible groups in communities across Minnesota and nationwide.

We are Indivisible

Our opponents depend on a divide and conquer strategy, so we treat an attack on one like an attack on all. We show up for each other, and particularly for those facing the brunt of right-wing extremist attacks: often immigrants, Black and Brown communities, low-income people, and transgender people.

We share a vision of a real democracy, with a “we the people” that works for all of us. Together, we work to enact progressive policies locally and beyond and build a truly inclusive multiracial democracy.