How donations are used

Because we are a 501(c)(4) nonprofit, the money we receive from fundraising is spent strictly in accordance with certain guidelines. Funds may be used as follows:

  • Voter registration, get-out-the-vote (GOTV) activity, and public education. This includes work to register voters or provide information about election dates and locations. It could also include activities to educate the public about legislative processes or proposed legislation.
  • Building our group and supporting its infrastructure. This could include costs incurred to meet to discuss overall strategic direction and other day-to-day operations of our group.
  • Lobbying for causes we as a group decide to support. We could, for example, pay for costs we incur to visit our representatives in the MN legislature and ask them to support or oppose certain legislation.

We do not make direct contributions to campaigns, and we do not spend money in coordination with candidates, political parties, or PACs.